Harshad. Bajpai
4 min readJan 12, 2022


Dismembering An age-old, Condescending Westen Narrative Against India Culture. A Rebuttal to the Economist Article

Why else would The Economist and publishing houses of their ilk further their propaganda by highlighting that. India is an oppressive society ruled by the upper castes, still sitting at the top of the corporate pyramid!

Truth be told, India has resented the success of its Brahmins because the west taught us so, when the books and civil services aspirants are assured that the caste problem originated with its evils by Brahmins spearheading the institution. The fact is that Brahmin is a small community, a minority in India. No one will speak of the 1948 Brahmin Masaccre or Genocide in the aftermath of Gandhi’s assassination, why? Mothers, kids, men were butchered, with no police action. There are no extensive records to be found, and the incident does not find one mention in historical dialogues, why? Everyone talks of Sikh killings after Indira Gandhi’s assassination, but no one speaks on the Kashmiri Pundit Genocide, why? In a matter of days, 3–5,00,000 Kashmiri pundits left the valley. Thousands were raped, murdered, and annihilated, as India watched in silence, why? We are all ready to demonize Brahmins,

The article says, ironically, that Brahmins did not find enough opportunities in India so they left, and succeeded in the USA by clearing exams. Why do they find the need to pen down all this, criticizing Indian society and Brahmins in the same masterly stroke? It’s their systemic bias, contempt, and prejudice.

Why does the western media, time and again, circle around the same irrelevant points when they elect xenophobic, racist, and misogynist presidents? A country where social media campaigns have to be run to highlight that Black Lives Matter. Perhaps, by peddling the same lie, again and again, they feel good about themselves and the sorry state of their country.

In 1600, when the first convoy of the Queen came to India, they devised a Machiavellian plan to sow the seeds of discord, false narrative and preach the superiority of Christian faith and way of life. They would not have succeeded without running propaganda against the Brahmins. They then peddled a lie that Brahmins have not allowed other castes to grow, that they were to be blamed for every vice and folly of Indian masses.

This narrative was furthered by the Leftist historians that took pleasure in disparaging the Indian way of life. The point is not that all was hunky-dory, but that putting the albatross of India’s shortfalls on Brahmins has led to its further decline.

400 years of ceaseless narrative, and even Indians believe in it; such cunning!

This article title – Banyan why Brahmins lead Western firms but rarely Indian ones – is a pathetic attempt to highlight that the caste system in India is still rife and controls a lot of what happens in the country.

They say that it is not surprising that India is running the top most countries in the world. They must have felt mad that Indians are really good, so why not take that great feat and put it down with age-old lies and highlight that India is still ruled by upper castes.

Interestingly, the title mentions Brahmins, but all stats only highlight that they are a small fragment of the total, and none of the upper castes have the majority. Why did they choose to mention Brahmin? That’s SEO, stoking the old hatred and getting the attention.

Of the top companies, biased selection one may call Apple, Alphabet, etc, 4 are Brahmins nad 3 are upper caste. They point out that of the 4 Nobel prizes won by Indians, all are Brahmins, and even not that they are Tamil Brahmins. But that’s it, all other stats sat that many other castes are doing well.

Forbes list of India’s wealthiest Indians, the first 20, has 12 from Bania caste or Jains, a very small 1% of the population. They write – A study from 2010 of the country’s 1,000 biggest companies found that some 93% of board members came from “forward” castes. Fully 46% were Vaishyas. Another study in 2016, looking at a database of 1,530 listed companies, revealed that just five upper-caste, mostly Vaishya, surnames accounted for a tenth of 10,078 company directors – WHAT is their point?

Now Get a load of this – they mention that India has exported the caste problem to the west, where they quote just one the case in California to prove their point, appalling! How sinister is their design? They all pretend to be holier than though, but propaganda is propaganda, and no one is above it.

PS: Please do remember the time’s cartoon, when India decided to reach Mars with its PSLV rocket, no better window into their psychic.

